Privacy Policy
Dear Customer, BeOn appreciates your trust, and definitely we appreciate your rights to protect your privacy. To assure your privacy rights, please read these privacy policy agreements.
All the data you enter in the subscription Application with a call or with an online application form are secured and protected according to the information confidentiality agreement.
The below privacy policy describes BeOn policy to keep its customers and its website users’ data secured and protected. It also confirms Usage policy, users, and customers’ data Editing policy.
BeOn privacy policy terms and items go for the new, current customers, users, and subscription applicants.
Data Collection
To apply to have a permanent account or testing one with BeOn, the customers must provide us with some of his personal information “Name, mobile number, e-mail address” in addition to some other info to verify the identity with a print of identity card, passport or driving license.
BeOn needs specific financial info about the customers “credit card or bank account number” to add them to their accounts to complete the payment process and the contracting.
After activating your account with BeOn Website, and to protect your financial data from scamming. Don’t share any personal or financial data on the website, but only, if you want to add or edit some info in your account.
(BeOn takes some procedures to the account of the customer who doesn’t adhere to this item.)
Please note that we may need every customer’s network IP to analyze their data, solve some technical problems, and to make it easy for them to get and benefit from BeOn Services.
BeOn may collect some additional details by surveys conducting for statistical purposes while keeping users anonymous.
Usage Policy
Customers’ data that BeOn receives won’t be used except for subscription activating, services improving, communicating, and following up with the customers and for confirming payment procedures.
BeOn uses customers’ data only for technical support, services improving purposes, and also to send the promotions and new services features to every customer with e-mail.
BeOn may compare customers’ data with some sources to verify their data and their fiduciary status.
BeOn doesn’t assure your data privacy and confidentiality if you share it with any customers or users on BeOn Website. So, you should make sure well about security terms and about your info confidentiality before sharing your info with anyone.
BeOn customers have the right to contact us, and to ask us for not contacting or sending marketing messages to them.
Data Editing
Customers’ data editing is a right for them only, BeOn won’t add or edit any data for customers without an official direct request from them.
BeOn enables the customers to add new info or edit the current through the customer account page, or the customers can contact the technical team and apply with a request to edit some of their data.
Please note that BeOn Stores their previous, current, and new customers’ data to protect them from scamming and to help in investigation or solving problems.
If there are any doubts about customers’ data received in testing or subscription requests, BeOn will take the needed procedures to deactivate the customer account on BeOn website till the customer provides us with the right info.
Info Confidentiality
You can contact BeOn customer service with mobile or email at any time to get any inquiries or info related to privacy policy and data security.
BeOn takes all needed procedures to protect their customers’ privacy, as we store all customers’ data on electronic files with Amazon Company according to info confidentiality agreement items to assure data privacy protection without being hacked by anyone.
BeOn advises their customers to log out every time they use the website to protect their info confidentiality and security via the not secured internet connection.